Hello there blogosphere, It almost one year ago the last time I wrote a
entry in this dusty blog. And since then, a lot of things changed in my
life and on the web. And one of those is that I got a new, and my first
serious job back in June last year. So, back in June '07 I started
working at the funny called company Madcap
(still in Dutch) which at that time consisted of 7 employee's and
existed for only 1 years or so. My employee is using Drupal in it's
projects and is preparing mayor contributions to the projects it uses.
Since then the company grew rapidly to over 25 employees, which meant I
didn't had much spare time left as I had to rest a lot and had lots of
other things to do besides KDE and such. But happily I've been following
the kool people on this planet every day and saw the KDE repository
growing from alpha code to a stable 'four dot oh' release,
congratulations to everyone involved! So, last week,
FOSDEM took place at the free university of
Brussels, Belgium. After some bad experiences with hostels the previous
years I subscribed to the organised KDE accomodation by Lydia Pintscher
(Amarok's community manager) and
shared the room togheter with Jonathan Riddell and Manuel Nickschas (who
wrote Quassel). Before the event started the
FOSDEM people organised the 'Friday Night Beer Event', which we (a lot
of cool Amarok people, who all joined the grouped KDE accomodation) used
to promote Amarok to a group of XMMS people inside the delerium cafe to
promote Amarok by howling! On Saturday (damn, I felt broken, really had
a hang-over) I've been playing booth-bunny togheter with loads of Amarok
and other KDE people and wrote reviews of the talks in the devrooms
together with superstoned Jos Poortvliet. Saturday night all the KDE
people got organised and Knuth Yrvyn (Trolltech's community manager)
decided to give a nice restaurant a go in the south of Brussels. While
waiting Marijn Kruisselbrink showed off running plasma on a openmoko
telephone, what really surprised me! Though it took a long before the
food was on our tables, it tasted very good. Fosdem is quite a nice
event, thanks for all the energetic people cheering up my weekend! See
you next time... Gotta wrap up right now