Acquia Purge
The Acquia Purge module allows Drupal sites hosted on Acquia Cloud to automatically purge (wipe) pages from their Varnish powered...
De Tielenaar
After the discontinuation of Sociaal Tiel my grandfather sat together with other enthusiasts and founded not-for-profit news website de Tielenaar....
Another example where I enjoyed helping friends starting commercial activities by providing them a digital presence, a website....
The lxc-containers Github repository equips your Linux machine with several utility containers of some sort, built entirely on LXC....
This very website you are looking at is as much an example of my work as all the others, and perhaps the best example. My original site was made in Wordpress in October 2007 and -...
This website hosts a practice for youth psychology and health lifestyle consults and has been made in 2013 when friends of mine started it as young enterpreneurs. In an attempt to...
The Purge module connects Drupal 8 websites to external caching systems like CDNs or reverse proxies like varnishd. It extends D8's...
Sociaal Tiel
Sociaal Tiel was a political party in the municipality of Tiel, Netherlands. My grandfather has devoted all of his life as historian and...
Tagrenamer does one thing and attempts to do it well, it rewrites trees of music files - e.g. your collection - based on metadata and puts...